About Us

We are a group of security industry professionals with decades of experience in both private and public safety.

Our Approach

At Magic Shield Security Services, we use an integrated security solution approach that ensures technology, personnel, and processes seamlessly work together to deliver efficiency, productivity, and risk mitigation throughout all levels of your organization.

Our integrated security solution is a risk-based approach that centers around four major components and our goal is to create the most secure environment possible, in the most efficient way possible:


We assess and identify the risks.


We will design solutions to create the most secure environment possible in the most efficient way possible.


We will deliver integrated solutions, combining the best people, processes, and technology with your environment.


We will optimize your program using meaningful data analytics and performance measurements to continuously protect your people, customers, resources, and reputation.

Our Vision

To be the most trusted security company in Ontario.

Our Mission

"We delivers exceptional services, and unparalleled customer relationships, while we continuously evolve seeking to develop the most innovative and result-driven solutions in safeguarding communities, people, and what matters to them."

Our Values

Our Values